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Our subconscious mind holds the key to understanding and transforming our psychological challenges. It exerts a powerful influence over our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. Through the therapeutic practice of hypnotherapy, we create a state of deep relaxation, allowing access to the subconscious mind and enabling it to embrace positive suggestions. This process has the potential to profoundly impact the way we perceive, think, feel, and ultimately behave. By tapping into the subconscious realm, we open the door to transformative change and the cultivation of healthier patterns of thought, emotion and behaviour.

✓ During hypnosis, activity in the brain region that helps people switch between  tasks, quiets down

✓ I will guide you through a process by inducing a trance state that helps you focus your mind, respond more readily to suggestions, and become deeply relaxed

 ✓ Learn to let go of relentless behaviour patterns that are ineffectual by delving into past experiences

✓ Treat a variety of mental health conditions including anxiety and phobias, substance dependency, habit control and pain management

✓ Create positive neural pathways to align our bodies with our minds

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